Friday, October 30, 2009

Inspiring Video & Free Book about Our Calling as Believers!

Inspiring Video & Free Book about Our Calling as Believers!

HCG Coach . com Television Ad Spot!

'Fall' Into the New You with HCG!

Woweee!  So much is happening in the HCG Scene!Blessings_AutumnWreath.gif picture by Sheepra
  • New HCG Book!
  • New pharmacy escrow sources of hCG!
  • How to H.A.L.T. cravings!
  • Ask Sheepra: What if I cheat?
There is MUCH more coming in the next Newsletter, so stay tuned!!!

NEW 'HCG Diet Made Simple' EBook! 


New from the author of the renowned 'Guide to Implementing the Weight Loss Cure', after even more in-depth research and personal experience. Ms. Grace enhances your understanding even further with this important new literature that will streamline the entire process of releasing weight using the HCG Diet!
There is NO other book available that will give you the avalanche of information the author has packed into this tome. Great advice that will help folks to really get results with greater ease using the fabulous Simeons HCG Diet Protocol. If you want THE book that will help you the most, this is THE ONE! That is why it is one of the elite products that has received my Seal of Approval!
Email me at to let me know you got your copy and I will send you a free HCG Dieters Gourmet Cookbook Sampler! Now there's another key volume for success on this amazingly effective regimen!
And be on the lookout for my collaboration with Ms. Grace on her next project: an HCG Guide for Vegans & Vegetarians!

I Cheated! What Now?

Q: I messaged you last week concerning being a collegiate athlete and going on the Hcg protocol. I am on day 11 and have lost almost 13 pounds!!! I have been continuing my workouts(90-120 minutes a day) while maintaing 500 calories. However, today I had a HUGE cheat. What would be my next step in this situation? Do I do an inection tommorrow am or maybe a double dose? I will be working out for about 2.5 hours tommorrow morning, which I am hoping will burn some calories. I am freaking out alot about the cheat and want to continue making big gains.

Don't cheat again!

13 lbs in 11 days!!!  That is stellar!  Okay, now don't get discouraged from the cheat.  Your next step is to simply get back on track.  You may want to drink some Smooth Move tea to help get it on outta there, but especially be aware of your water intake to ensure that it has plenty of fluid to flow out on.  Don't do a double dose ever, because that can actually cause a stall.  Also, don't work out extra to get rid of it, because, again, it could cause a stall.  Just tough it out and realize that there is nothing more you can do than what you are doing.  If you do go into a big stall that has no apparent cause, that is when Apple Days are in order (5 apples and nothing else for one day), but otherwise keep in mind that when you cheat, there is a price.  There is no way it won't set you back.  BUT, you will continue to take off what comes back on as a result at a phenomenal rate.  Learn from this lesson and use it to stay on track in future.  I am in prayer that this was something that will keep you from ever doing it again.  Remember that it is only 3 to 6 weeks, then there will be some slack.  Small price to pay for the BIG payoff in pounds released that comes from this Protocol.  Hang in there, sweetie!

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H.A.L.T.: A Self-Care Tool

by Gudrun Zomerland, MFT

I first came across the acronym H.A.L.T. when I was working as a counselor in chemical dependency treatment centers twenty years ago. H.A.L.T. stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired. Each one of these four physical or emotional conditions, if not taken care of, leaves an individual vulnerable for relapse.

Relapse for an addict, of course, means resumption of using to manage the discomfort, but since working in the more general mental health field I have seen how even those of us not suffering from dependency have our own forms of relapse. This may show up as relapse into other forms of addictions (excessive gambling, eating, shopping, TV watching, being on the computer, or excessive or inappropriate sexual activity -- to name just a few). Relapse may also show up as falling back into old beliefs about ourselves that result in emotional states such as shame or imagined guilt.

I have found H.A.L.T. helpful for anyone, including myself, because there is no getting away from sometimes feeling hungry, angry, lonely or tired. Following I will go through each of the four conditions in more detail in order for you to get the most out of this self-care tool.

Hunger, of course, describes the most obvious physical condition of lack of food. We all know how important it is to have regular nutritional meals -- preferably small in size. So I will not belabor this point here. But hunger can also point toward emotional needs: hunger for attention, for comfort, for understanding, or for companionship. It is very important that we have others in our lives who can give us their loving care. In 12-Step recovery circles these others are available in the "fellowships" of particular meetings. For other people these caring beings may be present in their spiritual communities, in their circle of friends, or other groups they attend. Just like we need grocery stores to take care of physical hunger, we need the community of like-minded people to fill our emotional needs. Therefore, the solution to emotional hunger is community.

The next condition, anger, is a little bit more complex and the solution perhaps a bit more challenging for some people. Here is the good news: there is nothing wrong with the feeling of anger! But here is the bad news: most of us have never learned how to express anger constructively. The way we express anger often takes hugely destructive forms. We either turn anger against ourselves or against others. Anger can range from criticizing and belittling to name-calling and physical violence. Anger can also be like a repeated tape loop; in that case it's called resentment.

Let's deal with the latter condition first. The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous suggests that a person with resentment toward another pray for the other, that is, imagine all the good in life that we would like to have for ourselves to be bestowed upon the other person. My experience has been that anybody who subjects themselves to this discipline will eventually reap the benefit of feeling free from the incessant thoughts about the individual involved, and an unforeseen resolution to the conflict usually emerges.

Now let's look at the other forms of destructive anger mentioned above. First of all, you need a time out during which to breathe and be in control over the emotional charge that anger evokes. Some people actually need to do some physical activity such as walking, running, stomping or screaming (if you have privacy) to help them discharge the tension running through the body.

The next step is to look for the underlying cause of your anger. Anger is always about some form of perceived helplessness or powerlessness. Usually it can be remedied by identifying a request that needs to be made. When we make a request, we need to be willing to negotiate an outcome that works for both parties involved. Sometimes, however, the relationship dynamic that provoked the anger is so destructive that we need to distance ourselves for a while or even for good.

If you have difficulty with guiding yourself toward a time out, self-reflection, and moving toward a constructive request you may need professional help. Sometimes anger seems to run our very being and, in that case, it is usually connected to childhood trauma.

Next in the H.A.L.T. acronym is Lonely, which refers to isolating oneself. It is similar to Hunger in that the solution is the same, namely community. However, loneliness points to the difficulty of reaching out. This can have several causes, one being that isolation was a childhood survival tool, the other being emotional or clinical depression. If loneliness is either a constant or a frequent companion of yours and you don't seem to be able to come out of it on your own, again you may need professional help to look at the underlying causes.

The last of the H.A.L.T. acronym conditions is Tired. We all have a tendency to ignore tiredness at times. Several years ago I saw a video of an experiment in which volunteers were subjected to either alcohol intake or sleep deprivation. The upshot is that physical tiredness may be the cause of as many traffic accidents as alcohol consumption. It is a serious condition that endangers our wellbeing as well as that of others. The solution is of course napping or sleeping. If you have prolonged difficulty sleeping at night see your health care provider!

The other form of tiredness comes from taking on too much, being overloaded and overwhelmed -- an almost universal condition in the busy lives we all lead. The only solutions I am aware of is to cut down where you can, take short breathing breaks, step in front of your door and smell the fresh air (if available), and take vacations (frequent short ones or a good long one -- yes we can learn from the Europeans!).

Now you know H.A.L.T, an easily portable and very practical tool for everyday living. I give thanks to the people in Alcoholics Anonymous, where I think this acronym initially emerged, for using their experience to benefit us all.

Sheepra's Note: I have also found recently that visualizing myself literally leaning into Yeshua (Jesus), pushing my head into His Chest, when I am starting to get upset/angry/lonely/hungry/tired, and asking for His Help can really make a difference!

My husband, mother and I continue to keep you all in our prayers daily!Until next time:
Blessed, healthy, prosperous & FREE be,
B'Shem Yeshua,
with love & shalom from
                                                                Matt 19:26      
Shalom Serene Shick, BSChE, Health Minister, Student ND

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All other HCG Protocol supplies, many that we are affiliates for, can be found here:
Sheepra's HCG Stuph SuperStore

Please consider the environment before printing this email.
The information provided in this message is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any health condition and is not a substitute for treatment by a healthcare provider.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Vaccine Nation Documentary Film Video by Vaccine Nation Film - MySpace Video

Vaccine Nation Documentary Film Video by Vaccine Nation Film - MySpace Video

Important video to see before taking any vaccinations!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Talk to your 'FutureMe'!

What a kewl way to communicate with yourself in the future! Why not write yourself an email of Congratulations for the end of this round or even halfway through to encourage yourself!?! Or one for yourself next year to remind yourself where you came from so you can see how far you have progressed.
Blessings with love,

Thursday, October 1, 2009

jim carrey the juice man

This is INSANE! Too funny!
Laughter will help you de-stress:)
And remember, Smoothies are even better than Juicing, IMHO!
You keep that important fiber, it's way easier, and, after watching this, maybe safer;)
Blessings with love,


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