Monday, March 10, 2008

Round 3 Phase 2 Day 23 - Milestone: Able to Wear Wedding Band Again!!!

Well, the roll is over and I didn't release any weight today, so I am designating this the first day without hCG and officially ending Round 3 Phase 2 to begin transition days to Phase 3. I may save the leftover hCG & use it after my 3 weeks at P3 to start Round 4 Phase 2. I really believe the CS will preserve it well enough to do that. Then again, it isn't but maybe a day & a half left in there, and it is nice to start with everything fresh, but I have 3 weeks to decide;)
Bit of a headache this AM, but nothing major. Comes & goes. Inversion seems to help.
I have been putting lavender essential oil on my calluses in my palms where my rings are rubbing when I use the inversion bar for arm hang/'chin ups'. Really soothing. I am so glad to discover that essential oils aren't really 'oils' per se and will not interfere with protocol. I adore using them as aromatherapy & for my personal scent.
Took care of a car full of recyclables, shopped for P3, & visited friends in the 'KRidge today ... just like going to a lovely, cozy tea room it was. Though I couldn't have dinner with them, Cynthia treated me to the most delightful flavored herb tea served in a darlin' china cup with a heart shaped lip! Got some good laugh-therapy and pleasant chitchat, too. Love ya, Cynthia & Timm!
Brunch: Usual Yumbo Green Smoothie (Cinnamon Stevia today)
Dinner: Lemon/Orange/Ginger Salad (Cucumber veggie choice)
Cinnamon Apple Pudding Dessert
All exercises done except Walking & Son Salutations

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